Monday, June 25, 2012

How to update AIX-rpm database

AIX-rpm is actually a "virtual" package which reflects what has been installed on the system by installp. It is created by the /usr/sbin/updtvpkg script when the rpm.rte is installed.

Since AIX-rpm has to have some sort of version number, it simply reflects the level of bos.rte on the system where /usr/sbin/updtvpkg is being run. It's just informational.

However, if you are on some slower systems with lots of software installed, /usr/sbin/updtvpkg may take a long time so wait a while. :)

If you want to run the command manually:

# /usr/sbin/updtvpkg

If you get an error similar to "cannot read header at 20760 for lookup" when running updtvpkg, run a rpm rebuilddb:

    # rpm --rebuilddb

Once you run updtvpkg, you can run a rpm -qa to see your new AIX-rpm package.

Thats all folks!

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