Thursday, October 18, 2012

My understanding of RBAC in AIX

What is RBAC?

It stand for Role Based Access Control.
There is major differences between RBAC in AIX 5.3 and older AND RBAC in AIX 6.1/7.1. No value in discussing older RBAC. Will explain for "enhanced RBAC" instead.
Three primary rules are defined for RBAC:
  • Role assignment: A subject can exercise a permission only if the subject has selected or been assigned a role.
  • Role authorization: A subject's active role must be authorized for the subject.
    With rule 1 above, this rule ensures that users can take on only roles for which they are authorized.
  • Permission authorization: A subject can exercise a permission only if the permission is authorized for the subject's active role.
    With rules 1 and 2, this rule ensures that users can exercise only permissions for which they are authorized.

The traditional DAC

Traditional access control, as we call it DAC (discretional access control) has been used for ages and taken for granted. The familiar string r-x------ is fundamental for all sys admin. DAC provides SUID, GUID, etc but the control scope deals with All, GROUP or OWNER access.


RBAC provides precise access control such that the target role can only be assumed by a particular user. The range of commands the role can access could be a subset of all the commands that a root or any other account actually have. 

Difference from SUDO

SUDO is another means to control the access to privilege commands. However, it can be tedious to configure each and every commands that you want to allow an account to access.

Difference from Solaris RBAC

In essence, both Solaris RBAC and AIX RBAC are similar. The main difference is the way to implement it.
In Solaris, we use mainly the following files to setup RBAC.

root:/ #ls -l /etc/user_attr /etc/security/exec_attr /etc/security/prof_attr /etc/security/auth_attr
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys        11855 Mar 28  2012 /etc/security/auth_attr
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys        20934 Aug 15 11:40 /etc/security/exec_attr
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys         8433 Aug 15 11:42 /etc/security/prof_attr
-rw-r--r--   1 root     sys         1292 Aug 30 12:01 /etc/user_attr

Authorisation file for Solaris.

root:/ #tail -3 /etc/security/auth_attr
solaris.system.:::Machine Administration::help=SysHeader.html Date & Time::help=SysDate.html
solaris.system.shutdown:::Shutdown the System::help=SysShutdown.html

In AIX, this authorisation list is kept in a DB. You can create custom ones, especially for those not already in the DB. AIX don't provide the help HTML file. In reality, do we use them?

server:/: lsauth ALL | tail -3
wpar.mobility.appli id=10014
wpar.mobility.appli.other id=10016
wpar.mobility.appli.owner id=10015

The Solaris file that manage the effective privilege level to execute the command

root:/ #tail -3 /etc/security/exec_attr
Zone Management:solaris:cmd:::/usr/sbin/zoneadm:uid=0
Zone Management:solaris:cmd:::/usr/sbin/zonecfg:uid=0
DisasterRecovery Admin:suser:cmd:::/opt/sysadmin/Portnet_DR_Scripts/*:uid=root

Next, not much meaning in this profile file but only to maintain the profile and description of the role

root:/: #tail -5 /etc/security/prof_attr
ZFS Storage Management:::Create and Manage ZFS Storage Pools:help=RtZFSStorageMngmnt.html
Zone Management:::Zones Virtual Application Environment Administration:help=RtZoneMngmnt.html
dtwm:::Do not assign to users. Actions and commands required for the window manager (dtwm).:help=Rtdtwm.html
shutdown:::Do not assign to users. Contains actions requiring shutdown authorization.:auths=solaris.system.shutdown;help=Rtshutdown.html
DisasterRecovery Admin:::For running DisasterRecovery scripts:

In AIX, here it is though we can set much more information, like password control, access to smitty and all that.

server:/: lsrole -f appadmin
        dfltmsg=role to manage Application resources

In Solaris, the file that assign who can assume the role.

root:/ #tail -3 /etc/user_attr
me::::type=normal;profiles=DNS Admin
you::::type=normal;profiles=DNS Admin
her::::type=normal;profiles=DNS Admin

AIX keep this information in the ODM too.

server:/: lsuser -f meuser | grep role

How to setup

Say for instance, powerHA can only be accessed by root. but to allow menu control of cluster resources, we need to have a means to start/stop/restart/suspend/resume/failover the resources without using root. It is a bad security idea to allow menu to manage the cluster resources via root account.

Hence, we authorise, say meuser to access powerHA administrative commands by giving it ibm.hacmp.admin authorisation. How do we do that?

Check that Enhanced RBAC is enabled.

# lsattr -El sys0 -a enhanced_RBAC
enhanced_RBAC true Enhanced RBAC Mode True 

Let's create the authorisations.

/:> mkauth dfltmsg='IBM custom' ibm
/:> mkauth dfltmsg='IBM custom hacmp' ibm.hacmp
/:> mkauth dfltmsg='IBM custom hacmp admin' ibm.hacmp.admin 

Then check out what privileges that the commands that you are using requires.

# tracepriv -ef /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo
Group Name     State                        Node
apps_rg     ONLINE                       servera
               OFFLINE                      serverb

9568366: Used privileges for /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo:
  PV_AU_ADMIN                        PV_NET_CNTL
# tracepriv -ef /usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/utils/cl_RMupdate 

if you need to use your own shell script, you may need to add it into the privileged command database. Allow EUID to be equal to the owner of that script.

Now we add the commands into the privileged command database.

/:> setsecattr -c innateprivs=PV_AU_ADMIN,PV_NET_PORT,PV_NET_CNTL accessauths=ibm.hacmp.admin /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clRGinfo
/:> setsecattr -c innateprivs=PV_AU_ADMIN,PV_KER_ACCT,PV_PROC_PRIV accessauths=ibm.hacmp.admin euid=0 /usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/utils/cl_RMupdate 

/:> setsecattr -c innateprivs=PV_AU_ADMIN,PV_KER_ACCT,PV_PROC_PRIV accessauths=ibm.hacmp.admin euid=0 /
/:> setsecattr -c innateprivs=PV_AU_ADMIN accessauths=ibm.hacmp.admin euid=0 /

You can verify by using lssecattr.

/:> lssecattr -F -c /

Now, we create a role with the above authorisations.

# mkrole authorizations=ibm.hacmp.admin dfltmsg="Custom role to do admin with hacmp" appadmin

if its for automation, you may want to remove password access to the role by the following command.
chrole auth_mode=NONE appadmin
By default, auth_mode is INVOKER which means that is password control.

Next, allow meuser to be able to assume the role

 chuser roles=appadmin meuser

Before you try it out, you need to update the kernel for all these to take effect. As AIX kernel is RBAC aware for all the IBM system commands, without updating the kernel, any changes will not take effect.


Try it out


If you are not allow to assume the role you will receive the following error. In this example, thatuser should not assume appadmin role.

server:/HAapps: su - thatuser
-bash-3.2$ swrole appadmin
swrole: 1420-052 appadmin is not a valid role for thatuser.

It is authorised to assume meuser role instead.

server:/HAapps: su - meuser
-bash-3.2$ swrole appadmin
bash-3.2$ /usr/es/sbin/cluster/events/utils/cl_RMupdate suspend_appmon apps apps_rg
Suspend HA Monitoring for apps.
Oct 22 2012 15:58:03 cl_RMupdate: Completed request to suspend monitor(s) for application apps.
Oct 22 2012 15:58:03 cl_RMupdate: The following monitor(s) are in use for application apps:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Good reference link of powerHA

This is a bookmark of powerHA links i find it useful. Keep them here just in case. :)

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Allowing longer web session going through Apache to Websphere Application Server

Had a tough one last month when migrating the system to WAS. I'm still new to WAS, hit a few problems and take this chance to document down so that this form my reference and hopefully it help you too.

Users has been complaining that the web service keep getting time out, returning a 500 error.

What i found out was that i can actually, tune the "ServerIOTimeout" parameter in the WAS plugin for Apache beyond the default. i used 900, which is 15min in seconds.

In addition,a little performance fine tuning was done using "LoadBalanceWeight" to keep the application servers from being 'hit' random when they are just started up, especially when i have a cluster of them. As recommended by IBM specialist, i used some numbers, with one of the application server assigned to an odd number, different from the rest.

The idea is to make one of the application server the first one to serve, instead of randomising it.

      Server CloneID="179d3la" ConnectTimeout="5" ExtendedHandshake="false" LoadBalanceWeight="20" MaxConnections="-1" Name="Node1" ServerIOTimeout="900" WaitForContinue="false"
     Server CloneID="179d5sb" ConnectTimeout="5" ExtendedHandshake="false" LoadBalanceWeight="20" MaxConnections="-1" Name="Node2" ServerIOTimeout="900" WaitForContinue="false"
      Server CloneID="179d8gc" ConnectTimeout="5" ExtendedHandshake="false" LoadBalanceWeight="21" MaxConnections="-1" Name="Node3" ServerIOTimeout="900" WaitForContinue="false"

Do let me know if you have better ideas of solving it.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Recovering Websphere Application Server (WAS) after hitting JMS error

Recently, the following errors were logged in the SystemOut.log of WAS version 7. The whole cluster of WAS came to a halt with a flurry of angry calls asking why the web service is down.

- BMXAA1580E - A Java Message System (JMS) error occurred
- CWSIT0088E: There are currently no messaging engines in bus intjmsbus running.

Apparently, the messaging engine went down. All the application servers can communicate via JMS and sat there idling.

Used the following way to recover the system. even though i still don't the reason even after logging a PMR yet, here's how.

1) bring down the Application Server
2) bring down the node agent if you have.
3) to be safe, i bring down the Deployment manager too.
4) move the messagestore Log file so that WAS can recreate it upon start up.
5) remove the transaction/tranlog/log1 and log2 file so that WAS can recreate it upon start up.
6) start up WAS and node agent.

Monday, October 01, 2012

My one liner to extracting lines using sed, perl or awk

While working on extracting data from large amount of files, i have compiled some commands over the years to really helps a lot.

Most of the time, we use head, tail, grep. However, these commands are good at wholesale extracting or just by some keywords. For more complex extraction, we may use sed, perl or awk instead.

Using myfile as example,

myserver:/tmp/:>head -10 myfile
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos61D src/bos/usr/sbin/netstart/hosts 1.2
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1989
# All Rights Reserved

myserver:/tmp:>tail -2 myfile     host1     host2

myserver:/tmp/:>grep host1 myfile     host1

Say, for more complicated stuffs, like extracting 2nd line PLUS 5th to 7th line, i find it tough to code using the above commands.

h2. sed, perl or awk?

Do note that sed will transverse the entire file, hence if you have a very large file, this might take some time.

Say, we want to extract the 2nd line, we can use sed or awk

myserver:/tmp/:>sed 2p myfile
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos61D src/bos/usr/sbin/netstart/hosts 1.2

myserver:/tmp/:>awk 'NR==2' myfile
# This is an automatically generated prolog.

If you have try it out, you will see that for sed, the 2nd line is indeed extracted but the rest of the file is also printed out! Use the following to disable printing out the old file.

myserver:/tmp/:>sed -n 2p myfile
# This is an automatically generated prolog.

Alternatively, you might want to 'delete' whatever that you don't want by using the '!d' parameter.

myserver:/tmp/:>sed '2!d' myfile
# This is an automatically generated prolog.

I wouldn't want to use this method as i have difficulty converting the line to use variables. Do give me suggestions or advice if you think otherwise. I don't claim to be expert in writing scripts. :)

IMPORTANT: Note that the single quotes are required. Else '!d' will bring back the last command you have executed with the letter 'd'.

If you only want one and only line from the file, you can get awk to exit after getting that line, otherwise the awk will transverse through the whole file.

myserver:/tmp/:>awk 'NR==6 {print; exit}' myfile
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

If we try to extract line 5 to 7 using sed or awk

myserver:/tmp/:>sed -n 5,7p myfile
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

myserver:/tmp/:>awk 'NR==5,NR==7' myfile
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

Here's another trick that i read from Mr Google. If you want to extract every 5th line of a file starting from the top of the file, perl or awk does the job easily.

myserver:/tmp/:>perl -ne 'print unless (0 != $. % 5)' myfile
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
#  /etc/hosts


myserver:/tmp/:>awk '0 == NR % 5'   myfile
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
#  /etc/hosts

Tip: If you don't want to start from the top of the file, you can put (NR + 1), which means to start from line 1.

Thats all folks.